
Tile view (lv_tileview)


The Tile view is a container object whose elements (called tiles) can be arranged in grid form. A user can navigate between the tiles by swiping. Any direction of swiping can be disabled on the tiles individually to not allow moving from one tile to another.

If the Tile view is screen sized, the user interface resembles what you may have seen on smartwatches.

Parts and Styles

The Tile view is built from an lv_obj.h container and lv_obj.h tiles.

The parts and styles work the same as for lv_obj.h.


Add a tile

lv_tileview_add_tile(tileview, col_id, row_id, dir) creates a new tile on the col_idth column and row_idth row. dir can be LV_DIR_LEFT/RIGHT/TOP/BOTTOM/HOR/VER/ALL or OR-ed values to enable moving to the adjacent tiles into the given direction by swiping.

The returned value is an lv_obj_t * on which the content of the tab can be created.

Change tile

The Tile view can scroll to a tile with lv_tileview_set_tile(tileview, tile_obj, LV_ANIM_ON / OFF) or lv_tileview_set_tile_by_index(tileview, col_id, row_id, LV_ANIM_ON / OFF)



Keys are not handled by the Tile view.

Learn more about Keys.



Tileview with content

#include "../../lv_examples.h"

 * Create a 2x2 tile view and allow scrolling only in an "L" shape.
 * Demonstrate scroll chaining with a long list that
 * scrolls the tile view when it can't be scrolled further.
void lv_example_tileview_1(void)
    lv_obj_t * tv = lv_tileview_create(lv_screen_active());

    /*Tile1: just a label*/
    lv_obj_t * tile1 = lv_tileview_add_tile(tv, 0, 0, LV_DIR_BOTTOM);
    lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(tile1);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Scroll down");

    /*Tile2: a button*/
    lv_obj_t * tile2 = lv_tileview_add_tile(tv, 0, 1, LV_DIR_TOP | LV_DIR_RIGHT);

    lv_obj_t * btn = lv_button_create(tile2);

    label = lv_label_create(btn);
    lv_label_set_text(label, "Scroll up or right");

    lv_obj_set_size(btn, LV_SIZE_CONTENT, LV_SIZE_CONTENT);

    /*Tile3: a list*/
    lv_obj_t * tile3 = lv_tileview_add_tile(tv, 1, 1, LV_DIR_LEFT);
    lv_obj_t * list = lv_list_create(tile3);
    lv_obj_set_size(list, LV_PCT(100), LV_PCT(100));

    lv_list_add_button(list, NULL, "One");
    lv_list_add_button(list, NULL, "Two");
    lv_list_add_button(list, NULL, "Three");
    lv_list_add_button(list, NULL, "Four");
    lv_list_add_button(list, NULL, "Five");
    lv_list_add_button(list, NULL, "Six");
    lv_list_add_button(list, NULL, "Seven");
    lv_list_add_button(list, NULL, "Eight");
    lv_list_add_button(list, NULL, "Nine");
    lv_list_add_button(list, NULL, "Ten");





