Component Library


The collection of Components, Widgets, Screens, Images, Fonts, etc., is called a component library.

A component library can be fully self-sufficient, but it can also reference data from other component libraries.

LVGL itself is a component library that supplies the built-in widgets, types, etc., so typically, component libraries use at least the core LVGL data. You can find the XML files that describe the LVGL widgets here.

A project is also a component library, where the screens, components, and widgets of the project are implemented.

In light of that, a project can contain multiple component libraries (its own project component library, LVGL, and possibly others).


A typical structure for a component library looks like this:

├── globals.xml
├── components
│   ├── component1.xml
│   ├── component2.xml
│   └── other_folder
│       ├── component3.xml
│       └── component4.xml
├── widgets
│   ├── widget1
│   │   ├── widget1.xml
│   │   ├── widget1.c
│   │   ├── widget1.h
│   │   ├── widget1_gen.c
│   │   ├── widget1_gen.h
│   │   ├── widget1_private_gen.h
│   │   └── widget1_xml_parser.c
│   └── widget2
│       └── ...same as widget1...
├── screens
│   ├── screen1.xml
│   └── screen2.xml
├── fonts
│   ├── font1.ttf
│   └── font2.ttf
└── images
    ├── image1.png
    └── image2.png


A component library can use images, fonts, components, widgets, etc., from other component libraries. It is the user's responsibility to avoid naming conflicts by prefixing names. For example, all data belonging to the LVGL core component library is prefixed by lv_ (e.g., lv_label, lv_montserrat_22).

A custom component can be prefixed with watch_, small_, light_, or anything else that the developer finds appropriate. LVGL's UI editor will show an error if there is a naming conflict.


A globals.xml file should be created in each component library. The definitions in it do not belong to any specific widget but are available throughout the entire UI, widgets, and all XML files. The valid tags in it are:

  • <config>: Can specify name and help.

  • <api>: Only for <enumdefs>.

  • <subjects>: List of subjects. Can be considered the API of a component library.

  • <consts>: Globally available constants.

  • <styles>: Globally available styles.

  • <fonts>: Globally available fonts.

  • <images>: Globally available images.

  • <const_variants>: See below.

  • <style_variants>: See below.

globals.xml files cannot be nested, meaning that there cannot be another globals.xml file in a subfolder.

From each globals.xml file, an <>.h file is generated, which is included in all generated header files — not only in the subfolders where globals.xml is created, but in all exported C and H files. This ensures that constants, fonts, and other global data are available for all widgets and new widgets.


<const_variant> can be used by constants to create variants that can be selected at compile time. This is useful for selecting a different display size, color scheme, etc.

<style_variant> can be used by styles only, to modify styles at runtime. To select the current style variant, an integer subject <>_variant is created. Styles can subscribe to this, and the style properties can be changed according to the selected variant.

In globals.xml, the possible variants should be described.


A globals.xml file of a component library can look like this:

  <config name="mylib" help="This is my great component library"/>
    <const_variant name="size" help="Select the size">
      <case name="small" help="Assets for 320x240 screen"/>
      <case name="large" help="Assets for 1280x768 screen"/>

    <style_variant name="color" help="Select the color of the UI">
      <case name="red" help="Select a red theme"/>
      <case name="blue" help="Select a blue theme"/>

    <enumdef name="mode">
      <enum name="slow"/>
      <enum name="fast"/>

    <px name="small_unit" value="8"/>
    <px name="large_unit" value="16"/>

    <style name="card" bg_color="0xeee" radius="#small_unit" padding="12px"/>

    <file name="arrow_left" src="A:/images/arrow_left.png"/>

    <tinyttf name="big" src="A:/fonts/arial.ttf" size="28"/>