typedef bool (*lv_wayland_display_close_f_t)(lv_display_t *disp)
int lv_wayland_get_fd(void)
Retrieves the file descriptor of the wayland socket
lv_display_t *lv_wayland_window_create(uint32_t hor_res, uint32_t ver_res, char *title, lv_wayland_display_close_f_t close_cb)
Creates a window
- Parameters:
hor_res -- The width of the window in pixels
ver_res -- The height of the window in pixels
title -- The title of the window
close_cb -- The callback that will be execute when the user closes the window
- Returns:
The LVGL display associated to the window
void lv_wayland_window_close(lv_display_t *disp)
Closes the window programmatically
- Parameters:
disp -- Reference to the LVGL display associated to the window
bool lv_wayland_window_is_open(lv_display_t *disp)
Check if the window is open
- Parameters:
disp -- Reference to the LVGL display associated to the window
- Returns:
true: The window is open
void lv_wayland_window_set_fullscreen(lv_display_t *disp, bool fullscreen)
Sets the fullscreen state of the window
- Parameters:
disp -- Reference to the LVGL display associated to the window
fullscreen -- If true the window enters fullscreen
void lv_wayland_window_set_maximized(lv_display_t *disp, bool maximize)
Sets the maximized state of the window
- Parameters:
disp -- Reference to the LVGL display associated to the window
fullscreen -- If true the window is maximized
lv_indev_t *lv_wayland_get_pointer(lv_display_t *disp)
Obtains the input device of the mouse pointer
It is used to create an input group on application start
- Parameters:
disp -- Reference to the LVGL display associated to the window
- Returns:
The input device
lv_indev_t *lv_wayland_get_pointeraxis(lv_display_t *disp)
Obtains the input device of the encoder
It is used to create an input group on application start
- Parameters:
disp -- Reference to the LVGL display associated to the window
- Returns:
The input device
lv_indev_t *lv_wayland_get_keyboard(lv_display_t *disp)
Obtains the input device of the keyboard
It is used to create an input group on application start
- Parameters:
disp -- Reference to the LVGL display associated to the window
- Returns:
The input device
lv_indev_t *lv_wayland_get_touchscreen(lv_display_t *disp)
Obtains the input device of the touch screen
It is used to create an input group on application start
- Parameters:
disp -- Reference to the LVGL display associated to the window
- Returns:
The input device
bool lv_wayland_timer_handler(void)
Wrapper around lv_timer_handler
Must be called in the application run loop instead of the regular lv_timer_handler provided by LVGL
- Returns:
true: if the cycle was completed, false if the application went to sleep because the last frame wasn't completed