

lv_obj_t *lv_indev_find_scroll_obj(lv_indev_t *indev)

Find a scrollable object based on the current scroll vector in the indev. In handles scroll propagation to the parent if needed, and scroll directions too.


indev – pointer to an indev


the found scrollable object or NULL if not found.

struct _lv_indev_t

Public Members

lv_indev_type_t type

Input device type

lv_indev_read_cb_t read_cb

Function pointer to read input device data.

lv_indev_state_t state

Current state of the input device.

lv_indev_state_t prev_state

Previous state of the input device.

lv_indev_mode_t mode
uint8_t long_pr_sent
uint8_t reset_query
uint8_t enabled
uint8_t wait_until_release
uint8_t stop_processing_query
uint32_t pr_timestamp

Pressed time stamp

uint32_t longpr_rep_timestamp

Long press repeat time stamp

void *driver_data
void *user_data

Pointer to the assigned display

lv_display_t *disp

Timer to periodically read the input device

lv_timer_t *read_timer

Number of pixels to slide before actually drag the object

uint8_t scroll_limit

Drag throw slow-down in [%]. Greater value means faster slow-down

uint8_t scroll_throw

At least this difference should be between two points to evaluate as gesture

uint8_t gesture_min_velocity

At least this difference should be to send a gesture

uint8_t gesture_limit

Long press time in milliseconds

uint16_t long_press_time

Repeated trigger period in long press [ms]

uint16_t long_press_repeat_time

Rotary diff count will be multiplied by this value and divided by 256

int32_t rotary_sensitivity
lv_point_t act_point

Current point of input device.

lv_point_t last_point

Last point of input device.

lv_point_t last_raw_point

Last point read from read_cb.

lv_point_t vect

Difference between act_point and last_point.

lv_point_t scroll_sum
lv_point_t scroll_throw_vect
lv_point_t scroll_throw_vect_ori
lv_obj_t *act_obj
lv_obj_t *last_obj
lv_obj_t *scroll_obj
lv_obj_t *last_pressed
lv_obj_t *last_hovered
lv_area_t scroll_area
lv_point_t gesture_sum
int32_t diff
uint8_t short_click_streak
lv_point_t last_short_click_point
uint32_t last_short_click_timestamp
uint8_t scroll_dir
uint8_t gesture_dir
uint8_t gesture_sent
uint8_t press_moved
uint8_t pressed
struct _lv_indev_t pointer
lv_indev_state_t last_state
uint32_t last_key
struct _lv_indev_t keypad
lv_obj_t *cursor


lv_group_t *group

Keypad destination group

const lv_point_t *btn_points

Array points assigned to the button ()screen will be pressed here by the buttons

lv_event_list_t event_list
lv_anim_t *scroll_throw_anim
lv_indev_gesture_recognizer_t recognizers[LV_INDEV_GESTURE_CNT]
lv_indev_gesture_type_t cur_gesture
void *gesture_data[LV_INDEV_GESTURE_CNT]
lv_indev_gesture_type_t gesture_type[LV_INDEV_GESTURE_CNT]