NXP has integrated LVGL into the MCUXpresso SDK packages for several of our microcontrollers as an optional software component, allowing easy evaluation and migration into your product design. LVGL is a free and open-source embedded graphic library with features that enable you to create embedded GUIs with intuitive graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and a low memory footprint. The complete graphic framework includes a variety of widgets for you to use in the creation of your GUI, and supports more advanced functions such as animations and anti-aliasing.
LVGL enables graphics in our free GUI Guider UI tool. It's available for use with NXP's general purpose and crossover microcontrollers, providing developers with a tool for creating complete, high quality GUI applications with LVGL.
Creating new project with LVGL
Download an SDK for a supported board today and get started with your next GUI application. It comes fully configured with LVGL (and with PXP/VGLite/G2D support if the modules are present), no additional integration work is required.
HW acceleration for NXP iMX RT platforms
Depending on the RT platform used, the acceleration can be done by NXP PXP (PiXel Pipeline) and/or the Verisilicon GPU through an API named VGLite. Each accelerator has its own context that allows them to be used individually as well simultaneously (in LVGL multithreading mode).
HW acceleration for NXP iMX platforms
On MPU platforms, the acceleration can be done (hardware independent) by NXP G2D library. This accelerator has its own context that allows them to be used individually as well simultaneously with the CPU (in LVGL multithreading mode).
PXP accelerator
Basic configuration:
Select NXP PXP engine in "lv_conf.h": Set
to 1.In order to use PXP as a draw unit, select in "lv_conf.h": Set
to 1.In order to use PXP to rotate the screen, select in "lv_conf.h": Set
to 1.Enable PXP asserts in "lv_conf.h": Set :c:macro: LV_USE_PXP_ASSERT to 1. There are few PXP assertions that can stop the program execution in case the c:macro:LV_ASSERT_HANDLER is set to while(1); (Halt by default). Else, there will be logged just an error message via LV_LOG_ERROR.
symbol is defined, FreeRTOS implementation will be used, otherwise bare metal code will be included.
Basic initialization:
PXP draw initialization is done automatically in lv_init()
once the
PXP is enabled as a draw unit or to rotate the screen, no user code is required:
During PXP initialization, a new draw unit lv_draw_pxp_unit_t will be created
with the additional callbacks, if LV_USE_DRAW_PXP
is set to 1:
lv_draw_pxp_unit_t * draw_pxp_unit = lv_draw_create_unit(sizeof(lv_draw_pxp_unit_t));
draw_pxp_unit->base_unit.evaluate_cb = _pxp_evaluate;
draw_pxp_unit->base_unit.dispatch_cb = _pxp_dispatch;
draw_pxp_unit->base_unit.delete_cb = _pxp_delete;
and an addition thread _pxp_render_thread_cb() will be spawned in order to handle the supported draw tasks.
lv_thread_init(&draw_pxp_unit->thread, "pxpdraw", LV_THREAD_PRIO_HIGH, _pxp_render_thread_cb, 2 * 1024, draw_pxp_unit);
If LV_USE_PXP_DRAW_THREAD is not defined, then no additional draw thread will be created and the PXP drawing task will get executed on the same LVGL main thread.
_pxp_evaluate() will get called after each task is being created and will analyze if the task is supported by PXP or not. If it is supported, then an preferred score and the draw unit id will be set to the task. An score equal to 100 is the default CPU score. Smaller score means that PXP is capable of drawing it faster.
_pxp_dispatch() is the PXP dispatcher callback, it will take a ready to draw task (having the DRAW_UNIT_ID_PXP set) and will pass the task to the PXP draw unit for processing.
_pxp_delete() will cleanup the PXP draw unit.
Features supported:
Several drawing features in LVGL can be offloaded to the PXP engine. The CPU is available for other operations while the PXP is running. A RTOS is required to block the LVGL drawing thread and switch to another task or suspend the CPU for power savings.
Supported draw tasks are available in "src/draw/nxp/pxp/lv_draw_pxp.c":
switch(t->type) {
lv_draw_pxp_fill(t, t->draw_dsc, &t->area);
lv_draw_pxp_img(t, t->draw_dsc, &t->area);
lv_draw_pxp_layer(t, t->draw_dsc, &t->area);
Additionally, the screen rotation can be handled by the PXP:
Fill area with color (w/o radius, w/o gradient) + optional opacity.
Blit source image RGB565/ARGB888/XRGB8888 over destination. RGB565/RGB888/ARGB888/XRGB8888 + optional opacity.
Recolor source image RGB565.
Scale and rotate (90, 180, 270 degree) source image RGB565.
Blending layers (w/ same supported formats as blitting).
Rotate screen (90, 180, 270 degree).
Known limitations:
PXP can only rotate the frames in angles that are multiple of 90 degrees.
Rotation is not supported for images unaligned to blocks of 16x16 pixels. PXP is set to process 16x16 blocks to optimize the system for memory bandwidth and image processing time. The output engine essentially truncates any output pixels after the desired number of pixels has been written. When rotating a source image and the output is not divisible by the block size, the incorrect pixels could be truncated and the final output image can look shifted.
Recolor or transformation for images w/ opacity or alpha channel can't be obtained in a single PXP pipeline configuration. Two or multiple steps would be required.
Buffer address must be aligned to 64 bytes: set
to 64 in "lv_conf.h". No stride alignment is required: setLV_DRAW_BUF_STRIDE_ALIGN
to 1 in "lv_conf.h".
Project setup:
Add PXP related source files (and corresponding headers if available) to project:
"src/draw/nxp/pxp/lv_draw_buf_pxp.c": draw buffer callbacks
"src/draw/nxp/pxp/lv_draw_pxp_fill.c": fill area
"src/draw/nxp/pxp/lv_draw_pxp_img.c": blit image (w/ optional recolor or transformation)
"src/draw/nxp/pxp/lv_draw_pxp_layer.c": layer blending
"src/draw/nxp/pxp/lv_draw_pxp.c": draw unit initialization
"src/draw/nxp/pxp/lv_pxp_cfg.c": init, deinit, run/wait PXP device
"src/draw/nxp/pxp/lv_pxp_osa.c": OS abstraction (FreeRTOS or bare metal)
"src/draw/nxp/pxp/lv_pxp_utils.c": function helpers
PXP related code depends on two drivers provided by MCU SDK. These drivers need to be added to project:
fsl_pxp.c: PXP driver
fsl_cache.c: CPU cache handling functions
PXP default configuration:
Implementation depends on multiple OS-specific functions. The struct
with callback pointers is used as a parameter for thelv_pxp_init()
function. Default implementation for FreeRTOS in lv_pxp_osa.c.pxp_interrupt_init()
: Initialize PXP interrupt (HW setup, OS setup)pxp_interrupt_deinit()
: Deinitialize PXP interrupt (HW setup, OS setup)pxp_run()
: Start PXP job. Use OS-specific mechanism to block drawing thread.pxp_wait()
: Wait for PXP completion.
VGLite accelerator
Extra drawing features in LVGL can be handled by the VGLite engine. The CPU is available for other operations while the VGLite is running. A RTOS is required to block the LVGL drawing thread and switch to another task or suspend the CPU for power savings.
Basic configuration:
Select NXP VGLite engine in "lv_conf.h": Set
symbol needs to be defined so that FreeRTOS driver osal implementation will be enabled.Enable VGLite asserts in "lv_conf.h": Set :c:macro: LV_USE_VGLITE_ASSERT to 1. VGLite assertions will verify the driver API status code and in any error, it can stop the program execution in case the c:macro: LV_ASSERT_HANDLER is set to while(1); (Halt by default). Else, there will be logged just an error message via LV_LOG_ERROR.
Basic initialization:
Initialize VGLite GPU before calling lv_init()
by specifying the
width/height of tessellation window. The default values for tessellation width
and height, and command buffer size are in the SDK file "vglite_support.h".
#include "vg_lite.h"
#include "vglite_support.h"
PRINTF("VGLite init error. STOP.");
while (1)
if (vg_lite_set_command_buffer_size(VG_LITE_COMMAND_BUFFER_SIZE) != VG_LITE_SUCCESS)
PRINTF("VGLite set command buffer. STOP.");
while (1)
VGLite draw initialization is done automatically in lv_init()
the VGLite is enabled, no user code is required:
During VGLite initialization, a new draw unit lv_draw_vglite_unit_t will be created with the additional callbacks:
lv_draw_vglite_unit_t * draw_vglite_unit = lv_draw_create_unit(sizeof(lv_draw_vglite_unit_t));
draw_vglite_unit->base_unit.evaluate_cb = _vglite_evaluate;
draw_vglite_unit->base_unit.dispatch_cb = _vglite_dispatch;
draw_vglite_unit->base_unit.delete_cb = _vglite_delete;
and an addition thread _vglite_render_thread_cb() will be spawned in order to handle the supported draw tasks.
lv_thread_init(&draw_vglite_unit->thread, "vglitedraw", LV_THREAD_PRIO_HIGH, _vglite_render_thread_cb, 2 * 1024, draw_vglite_unit);
If LV_USE_VGLITE_DRAW_THREAD is not defined, then no additional draw thread will be created and the VGLite drawing task will get executed on the same LVGL main thread.
_vglite_evaluate() will get called after each task is being created and will analyze if the task is supported by VGLite or not. If it is supported, then an preferred score and the draw unit id will be set to the task. An score equal to 100 is the default CPU score. Smaller score means that VGLite is capable of drawing it faster.
_vglite_dispatch() is the VGLite dispatcher callback, it will take a ready to draw task (having the DRAW_UNIT_ID_VGLITE set) and will pass the task to the VGLite draw unit for processing.
_vglite_delete() will cleanup the VGLite draw unit.
Advanced configuration:
Enable VGLite blit split in "lv_conf.h": Set :c:macro: LV_USE_VGLITE_BLIT_SPLIT to 1. Enabling the blit split workaround will mitigate any quality degradation issue on screen's dimension > 352 pixels.
By default, the blit split threshold is set to 352. Blits with width or height higher than this value will be done in multiple steps. Value must be multiple of stride alignment in px. For most color formats, the alignment is 16px (except the index formats). Transformation will not be supported once with the blit split.
Enable VGLite draw task synchronously in "lv_conf.h": Set :c:macro: LV_USE_VGLITE_DRAW_ASYNC to 1. Multiple draw tasks can be queued and flushed them once to the GPU based on the GPU idle status. If GPU is busy, the task will be queued, and the VGLite dispatcher will ask for a new available task. If GPU is idle, the queue with any pending tasks will be flushed to the GPU. The completion status of draw task will be sent to the main LVGL thread asynchronously.
Features supported:
Several drawing features in LVGL can be offloaded to the VGLite engine. The CPU is available for other operations while the GPU is running. RTOS is required to block the LVGL drawing thread and switch to another task or suspend the CPU for power savings.
Supported draw tasks are available in "src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_draw_vglite.c":
switch(t->type) {
lv_draw_vglite_label(t, t->draw_dsc, &t->area);
lv_draw_vglite_fill(t, t->draw_dsc, &t->area);
lv_draw_vglite_border(t, t->draw_dsc, &t->area);
lv_draw_vglite_img(t, t->draw_dsc, &t->area);
lv_draw_vglite_arc(t, t->draw_dsc, &t->area);
lv_draw_vglite_line(t, t->draw_dsc);
lv_draw_vglite_layer(t, t->draw_dsc, &t->area);
lv_draw_vglite_triangle(t, t->draw_dsc);
All the below operation can be done in addition with optional opacity.
Fill area with color (w/ radius or gradient).
Blit source image (any format from
) over destination (any format from_vglite_dest_cf_supported()
).Recolor source image.
Scale and rotate (any decimal degree) source image.
Blending layers (w/ same supported formats as blitting).
Draw letters (blit bitmap letters / raster font).
Draw full borders (LV_BORDER_SIDE_FULL).
Draw arcs (w/ rounded edges).
Draw lines (w/ dash or rounded edges).
Draw triangles with color (w/ gradient).
Known limitations:
Source image alignment: The byte alignment requirement for a pixel depends on the specific pixel format. Both buffer address and buffer stride must be aligned. As general rule, the alignment is set to 16 pixels. This makes the buffer address alignment to be 32 bytes for RGB565 and 64 bytes for ARGB8888.
For pixel engine (PE) destination, the alignment should be 64 bytes for all tiled (4x4) buffer layouts. The pixel engine has no additional alignment requirement for linear buffer layouts (
Project setup:
Add VGLite related source files (and corresponding headers if available) to project:
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_draw_buf_vglite.c": draw buffer callbacks
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_draw_vglite_arc.c": draw arc
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_draw_vglite_border.c": draw border
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_draw_vglite_fill.c": fill area
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_draw_vglite_img.c": blit image (w/ optional recolor or transformation)
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_draw_vglite_label.c": draw label
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_draw_vglite_layer.c": layer blending
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_draw_vglite_line.c": draw line
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_draw_vglite_triangle.c": draw triangle
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_draw_vglite.c": draw unit initialization
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_vglite_buf.c": init/get vglite buffer
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_vglite_matrix.c": set vglite matrix
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_vglite_path.c": create vglite path data
"src/draw/nxp/vglite/lv_vglite_utils.c": function helpers
G2D accelerator
Basic configuration:
Select NXP G2D engine in "lv_conf.h": Set
to 1.In order to use G2D as a draw unit, select in "lv_conf.h": Set
to 1.Enable G2D asserts in "lv_conf.h": Set :c:macro: LV_USE_G2D_ASSERT to 1. There are few G2D assertions that can stop the program execution in case the c:macro: LV_ASSERT_HANDLER is set to while(1); (Halt by default). Else, there will be logged just an error message via LV_LOG_ERROR.
Basic initialization:
G2D draw initialization is done automatically in lv_init()
once the
G2D is enabled as a draw unit , no user code is required:
During G2D initialization, a new draw unit lv_draw_g2d_unit_t will be created
with the additional callbacks, if LV_USE_DRAW_G2D
is set to 1:
lv_draw_g2d_unit_t * draw_g2d_unit = lv_draw_create_unit(sizeof(lv_draw_g2d_unit_t));
draw_g2d_unit->base_unit.evaluate_cb = _g2d_evaluate;
draw_g2d_unit->base_unit.dispatch_cb = _g2d_dispatch;
draw_g2d_unit->base_unit.delete_cb = _g2d_delete;
and an addition thread _g2d_render_thread_cb() will be spawned in order to handle the supported draw tasks.
lv_thread_init(&draw_g2d_unit->thread, LV_THREAD_PRIO_HIGH, _g2d_render_thread_cb, 2 * 1024, draw_g2d_unit);
If LV_USE_G2D_DRAW_THREAD is not defined, then no additional draw thread will be created and the G2D drawing task will get executed on the same LVGL main thread.
_g2d_evaluate() will get called after each task is being created and will analyze if the task is supported by G2D or not. If it is supported, then an preferred score and the draw unit id will be set to the task. An score equal to 100 is the default CPU score. Smaller score means that G2D is capable of drawing it faster.
_g2d_dispatch() is the G2D dispatcher callback, it will take a ready to draw task (having the DRAW_UNIT_ID_G2D set) and will pass the task to the G2D draw unit for processing.
_g2d_delete() will cleanup the G2D draw unit.
Features supported:
Several drawing features in LVGL can be offloaded to the G2D engine. The CPU is available for other operations while the G2D is running. Linux OS is required to block the LVGL drawing thread and switch to another task or suspend the CPU for power savings.
Supported draw tasks are available in "src/draw/nx/g2d/lv_draw_g2d.c":
switch(t->type) {
lv_draw_g2d_fill(u, t->draw_dsc, &t->area);
lv_draw_g2d_img(u, t->draw_dsc, &t->area);
Fill area with color (w/o radius, w/o gradient) + optional opacity.
Blit source image ARGB8888 over destination. ARGB8888 + optional opacity.
Scale source image ARGB8888.
Known limitations:
G2D/PXP can only rotate at 90x angles.
Rotation is not supported for images unaligned to blocks of 16x16 pixels. G2D/PXP is set to process 16x16 blocks to optimize the system for memory bandwidth and image processing time. The output engine essentially truncates any output pixels after the desired number of pixels has been written. When rotating a source image and the output is not divisible by the block size, the incorrect pixels could be truncated and the final output image can look shifted.
Recolor or transformation for images w/ opacity or alpha channel can't be obtained in a single G2D/PXP pipeline configuration. Two or multiple steps would be required.
Buffer address must be aligned to 64 bytes: set
to 64 in "lv_conf.h". No stride alignment is required: setLV_DRAW_BUF_STRIDE_ALIGN
to 1 in "lv_conf.h".
Project setup:
Add G2D related source files (and corresponding headers if available) to project:
"src/draw/nxp/g2d/lv_draw_buf_g2d.c": draw buffer callbacks
"src/draw/nxp/g2d/lv_draw_g2d_fill.c": fill area
"src/draw/nxp/g2d/lv_draw_g2d_img.c": blit image (w/ optional recolor or
transformation) - "src/draw/nxp/g2d/lv_draw_g2d.c": draw unit initialization - "src/draw/nxp/g2d/lv_draw_g2d_buf_map.c": hash map for g2d buffers - "src/draw/nxp/g2d/lv_g2d_utils.c": function helpers