Use this value to let LVGL calculate stride automatically
Stride alignment for draw buffers. It may vary between different color formats and hardware. Refine it to suit your needs.
LV_DRAW_BUF_SIZE(w, h, cf)
Allocate a slightly larger buffer, so we can adjust the start address to meet alignment
LV_DRAW_BUF_DEFINE_STATIC(name, _w, _h, _cf)
Define a static draw buffer with the given width, height, and color format. Stride alignment is set to LV_DRAW_BUF_STRIDE_ALIGN.
For platform that needs special buffer alignment, call LV_DRAW_BUF_INIT_STATIC.
typedef void *(*lv_draw_buf_malloc_cb)(size_t size, lv_color_format_t color_format)
typedef void (*lv_draw_buf_free_cb)(void *draw_buf)
typedef void *(*lv_draw_buf_align_cb)(void *buf, lv_color_format_t color_format)
typedef void (*lv_draw_buf_cache_operation_cb)(const lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf, const lv_area_t *area)
typedef uint32_t (*lv_draw_buf_width_to_stride_cb)(uint32_t w, lv_color_format_t color_format)
void lv_draw_buf_init_with_default_handlers(lv_draw_buf_handlers_t *handlers)
Initialize the draw buffer with the default handlers.
- Parameters:
handlers – the draw buffer handlers to set
void lv_draw_buf_handlers_init(lv_draw_buf_handlers_t *handlers, lv_draw_buf_malloc_cb buf_malloc_cb, lv_draw_buf_free_cb buf_free_cb, lv_draw_buf_align_cb align_pointer_cb, lv_draw_buf_cache_operation_cb invalidate_cache_cb, lv_draw_buf_cache_operation_cb flush_cache_cb, lv_draw_buf_width_to_stride_cb width_to_stride_cb)
Initialize the draw buffer with given handlers.
- Parameters:
handlers – the draw buffer handlers to set
buf_malloc_cb – the callback to allocate memory for the buffer
buf_free_cb – the callback to free memory of the buffer
align_pointer_cb – the callback to align the buffer
invalidate_cache_cb – the callback to invalidate the cache of the buffer
flush_cache_cb – the callback to flush buffer
width_to_stride_cb – the callback to calculate the stride based on the width and color format
lv_draw_buf_handlers_t *lv_draw_buf_get_handlers(void)
Get the struct which holds the callbacks for draw buf management. Custom callback can be set on the returned value
- Returns:
pointer to the struct of handlers
lv_draw_buf_handlers_t *lv_draw_buf_get_font_handlers(void)
lv_draw_buf_handlers_t *lv_draw_buf_get_image_handlers(void)
void *lv_draw_buf_align(void *buf, lv_color_format_t color_format)
Align the address of a buffer. The buffer needs to be large enough for the real data after alignment
- Parameters:
buf – the data to align
color_format – the color format of the buffer
- Returns:
the aligned buffer
void *lv_draw_buf_align_ex(const lv_draw_buf_handlers_t *handlers, void *buf, lv_color_format_t color_format)
Align the address of a buffer with custom draw buffer handlers. The buffer needs to be large enough for the real data after alignment
- Parameters:
handlers – the draw buffer handlers
buf – the data to align
color_format – the color format of the buffer
- Returns:
the aligned buffer
void lv_draw_buf_invalidate_cache(const lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf, const lv_area_t *area)
Invalidate the cache of the buffer
- Parameters:
draw_buf – the draw buffer needs to be invalidated
area – the area to invalidate in the buffer, use NULL to invalidate the whole draw buffer address range
void lv_draw_buf_flush_cache(const lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf, const lv_area_t *area)
Flush the cache of the buffer
- Parameters:
draw_buf – the draw buffer needs to be flushed
area – the area to flush in the buffer, use NULL to flush the whole draw buffer address range
uint32_t lv_draw_buf_width_to_stride(uint32_t w, lv_color_format_t color_format)
Calculate the stride in bytes based on a width and color format
- Parameters:
w – the width in pixels
color_format – the color format
- Returns:
the stride in bytes
uint32_t lv_draw_buf_width_to_stride_ex(const lv_draw_buf_handlers_t *handlers, uint32_t w, lv_color_format_t color_format)
Calculate the stride in bytes based on a width and color format
- Parameters:
handlers – the draw buffer handlers
w – the width in pixels
color_format – the color format
- Returns:
the stride in bytes
void lv_draw_buf_clear(lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf, const lv_area_t *a)
Clear an area on the buffer
- Parameters:
draw_buf – pointer to draw buffer
a – the area to clear, or NULL to clear the whole buffer
void lv_draw_buf_copy(lv_draw_buf_t *dest, const lv_area_t *dest_area, const lv_draw_buf_t *src, const lv_area_t *src_area)
Copy an area from a buffer to another
should have the same width and heightNote
should have same color format. Color converting is not supported fow now.- Parameters:
dest – pointer to the destination draw buffer
dest_area – the area to copy from the destination buffer, if NULL, use the whole buffer
src – pointer to the source draw buffer
src_area – the area to copy from the destination buffer, if NULL, use the whole buffer
lv_draw_buf_t *lv_draw_buf_create(uint32_t w, uint32_t h, lv_color_format_t cf, uint32_t stride)
Note: Eventually, lv_draw_buf_malloc/free will be kept as private. For now, we use
to distinguish with malloc.Create an draw buf by allocating struct for
and allocating a buffer for it that meets specified requirements.- Parameters:
w – the buffer width in pixels
h – the buffer height in pixels
cf – the color format for image
stride – the stride in bytes for image. Use 0 for automatic calculation based on w, cf, and global stride alignment configuration.
lv_draw_buf_t *lv_draw_buf_create_ex(const lv_draw_buf_handlers_t *handlers, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, lv_color_format_t cf, uint32_t stride)
Note: Eventually, lv_draw_buf_malloc/free will be kept as private. For now, we use
to distinguish with malloc.Create an draw buf by allocating struct for
and allocating a buffer for it that meets specified requirements.- Parameters:
handlers – the draw buffer handlers
w – the buffer width in pixels
h – the buffer height in pixels
cf – the color format for image
stride – the stride in bytes for image. Use 0 for automatic calculation based on w, cf, and global stride alignment configuration.
lv_draw_buf_t *lv_draw_buf_dup(const lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf)
Duplicate a draw buf with same image size, stride and color format. Copy the image data too.
- Parameters:
draw_buf – the draw buf to duplicate
- Returns:
the duplicated draw buf on success, NULL if failed
lv_draw_buf_t *lv_draw_buf_dup_ex(const lv_draw_buf_handlers_t *handlers, const lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf)
Duplicate a draw buf with same image size, stride and color format. Copy the image data too.
- Parameters:
handlers – the draw buffer handlers
draw_buf – the draw buf to duplicate
- Returns:
the duplicated draw buf on success, NULL if failed
lv_result_t lv_draw_buf_init(lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, lv_color_format_t cf, uint32_t stride, void *data, uint32_t data_size)
Initialize a draw buf with the given buffer and parameters. Clear draw buffer flag to zero.
- Parameters:
draw_buf – the draw buf to initialize
w – the buffer width in pixels
h – the buffer height in pixels
cf – the color format
stride – the stride in bytes. Use 0 for automatic calculation
data – the buffer used for drawing. Unaligned
will be aligned internallydata_size – the size of the buffer in bytes
- Returns:
return LV_RESULT_OK on success, LV_RESULT_INVALID otherwise
lv_draw_buf_t *lv_draw_buf_reshape(lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf, lv_color_format_t cf, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t stride)
Keep using the existing memory, reshape the draw buffer to the given width and height. Return NULL if data_size is smaller than the required size.
- Parameters:
draw_buf – pointer to a draw buffer
cf – the new color format, use 0 or LV_COLOR_FORMAT_UNKNOWN to keep using the original color format.
w – the new width in pixels
h – the new height in pixels
stride – the stride in bytes for image. Use 0 for automatic calculation.
void lv_draw_buf_destroy(lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf)
Destroy a draw buf by freeing the actual buffer if it's marked as LV_IMAGE_FLAGS_ALLOCATED in header. Then free the lv_draw_buf_t struct.
- Parameters:
draw_buf – the draw buffer to destroy
void *lv_draw_buf_goto_xy(const lv_draw_buf_t *buf, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
Return pointer to the buffer at the given coordinates
lv_result_t lv_draw_buf_adjust_stride(lv_draw_buf_t *src, uint32_t stride)
Adjust the stride of a draw buf in place.
- Parameters:
src – pointer to a draw buffer
stride – the new stride in bytes for image. Use LV_STRIDE_AUTO for automatic calculation.
- Returns:
LV_RESULT_OK: success or LV_RESULT_INVALID: failed
lv_result_t lv_draw_buf_premultiply(lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf)
Premultiply draw buffer color with alpha channel. If it's already premultiplied, return directly. Only color formats with alpha channel will be processed.
- Returns:
LV_RESULT_OK: premultiply success
bool lv_draw_buf_has_flag(const lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf, lv_image_flags_t flag)
void lv_draw_buf_set_flag(lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf, lv_image_flags_t flag)
void lv_draw_buf_clear_flag(lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf, lv_image_flags_t flag)
lv_result_t lv_draw_buf_from_image(lv_draw_buf_t *buf, const lv_image_dsc_t *img)
As of now, draw buf share same definition as
. And is interchangeable withlv_image_dsc_t
void lv_draw_buf_to_image(const lv_draw_buf_t *buf, lv_image_dsc_t *img)
void lv_draw_buf_set_palette(lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf, uint8_t index, lv_color32_t color)
Set the palette color of an indexed image. Valid only for
- Parameters:
draw_buf – pointer to an image descriptor
index – the palette color to set:
: 0..1for
: 0..3for
: 0..15for
: 0..255
color – the color to set in lv_color32_t format
void lv_image_buf_set_palette(lv_image_dsc_t *dsc, uint8_t id, lv_color32_t c)
- Deprecated:
Use lv_draw_buf_set_palette instead.
void lv_image_buf_free(lv_image_dsc_t *dsc)
- Deprecated:
Use lv_draw_buffer_create/destroy instead. Free the data pointer and dsc struct of an image.
struct _lv_draw_buf_t