Drop-Down List (lv_dropdown)
The Drop-Down List allows the user to select a value from a list.
The Drop-Down List is closed by default and displays a single value or predefined text. When activated (by click on the Drop-Down List), a list is created from which the user may select one item. When the user selects a new value, the list is deleted again.
The Drop-down list is added to the default group (if one is set). The Drop-down list is an editable Widget allowing list-item selection via encoder or keyboard navigation as well.
Parts and Styles
The Drop-Down List Widget is built from the elements: "button" and "list" (lightweight versions of the Button and List Widgets).
The list itself; uses the typical background style properties.max_height
can be used to limit the height of the list.LV_PART_SCROLLBAR
The scrollbar background, border, shadow properties and width (for its own width) and right padding for the spacing on the right.LV_PART_SELECTED
Refers to the currently pressed, checked or pressed+checked option. Also uses the typical background style properties.
The list is shown/hidden on open/close. To add styles to it use lv_dropdown_get_list(dropdown) to get the list object. Example:
lv_obj_t * list = lv_dropdown_get_list(dropdown) /* Get list */
lv_obj_add_style(list, &my_style, selector) /* Add styles to list */
Alternatively the theme can be extended with new styles.
List items
The list items are passed to the Drop-Down List as a newline-separated list in a string
as the options
argument to lv_dropdown_set_options(dropdown, options).
Each list item should be separated by \n
. Example: "First\nSecond\nThird"
This string is copied by the Drop-Down List, so its contents do not need to remain
available beyond this call.
The lv_dropdown_add_option(dropdown, "New option", pos) function
inserts a new option at index pos
To save memory the options can be set from a static (const) string as well
with lv_dropdown_set_options_static(dropdown, options). In this case
the options string's contents must remain available for the life of the Drop-Down
List and lv_dropdown_add_option()
cannot be used.
You can select an option programmatically with
lv_dropdown_set_selected(dropdown, id, LV_ANIM_ON / LV_ANIM_OFF), where id
is the index of
the target option.
Get selected option
To get the index of the selected option, use lv_dropdown_get_selected(dropdown).
lv_dropdown_get_selected_str(dropdown, buf, buf_size) copies the
name of the selected option to buf
The list can be created on any side. The default LV_DIR_BOTTOM
be modified using lv_dropdown_set_dir(dropdown, LV_DIR_LEFT).
If the list would be vertically out of the screen, it will be aligned to the edge.
A symbol (typically an arrow) can be added to the Drop-Down List with lv_dropdown_set_symbol(dropdown, LV_SYMBOL_...)
If the direction of the Drop-Down List is LV_DIR_LEFT
the symbol
will be shown on the left, otherwise on the right.
Show selected
The main part can either show the selected item or static text. If
static is set with lv_dropdown_set_text(dropdown, "Some text") it
will be shown regardless of the selected item. If the text is NULL
the selected option is displayed on the button.
Programmatically open/close
To programmatically open or close the Drop-Down List use lv_dropdown_open(dropdown) or lv_dropdown_close(dropdown).
Sent when a new option is selected or the list is opened/closed.LV_EVENT_CANCEL
Sent when list is closed.LV_EVENT_READY
Sent when list is opened.
Further Reading
Learn more about Base-Widget Events emitted by all Widgets.
Learn more about Events.
Select next list item.LV_KEY_LEFT/UP
Select previous list item.LV_KEY_ENTER
Apply selected list item (sendsLV_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED
event and closes Drop-Down List).
Further Reading
Learn more about Keys.
Simple Drop down list
C code
View on GitHub#include "../../lv_examples.h"
static void event_handler(lv_event_t * e)
lv_event_code_t code = lv_event_get_code(e);
lv_obj_t * obj = lv_event_get_target_obj(e);
char buf[32];
lv_dropdown_get_selected_str(obj, buf, sizeof(buf));
LV_LOG_USER("Option: %s", buf);
void lv_example_dropdown_1(void)
/*Create a normal drop down list*/
lv_obj_t * dd = lv_dropdown_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_dropdown_set_options(dd, "Apple\n"
lv_obj_align(dd, LV_ALIGN_TOP_MID, 0, 20);
lv_obj_add_event_cb(dd, event_handler, LV_EVENT_ALL, NULL);
Drop down in four directions
C code
View on GitHub#include "../../lv_examples.h"
* Create a drop down, up, left and right menus
void lv_example_dropdown_2(void)
static const char * opts = "Apple\n"
lv_obj_t * dd;
dd = lv_dropdown_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_dropdown_set_options_static(dd, opts);
lv_obj_align(dd, LV_ALIGN_TOP_MID, 0, 10);
dd = lv_dropdown_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_dropdown_set_options_static(dd, opts);
lv_dropdown_set_dir(dd, LV_DIR_BOTTOM);
lv_dropdown_set_symbol(dd, LV_SYMBOL_UP);
lv_obj_align(dd, LV_ALIGN_BOTTOM_MID, 0, -10);
dd = lv_dropdown_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_dropdown_set_options_static(dd, opts);
lv_dropdown_set_dir(dd, LV_DIR_RIGHT);
lv_dropdown_set_symbol(dd, LV_SYMBOL_RIGHT);
lv_obj_align(dd, LV_ALIGN_LEFT_MID, 10, 0);
dd = lv_dropdown_create(lv_screen_active());
lv_dropdown_set_options_static(dd, opts);
lv_dropdown_set_dir(dd, LV_DIR_LEFT);
lv_dropdown_set_symbol(dd, LV_SYMBOL_LEFT);
lv_obj_align(dd, LV_ALIGN_RIGHT_MID, -10, 0);