Modified by NXP in 2024
The draw unit is idle, new dispatching might be requested to try again
enum lv_draw_task_type_t
void lv_draw_init(void)
Used internally to initialize the drawing module
void lv_draw_deinit(void)
Deinitialize the drawing module
void *lv_draw_create_unit(size_t size)
Allocate a new draw unit with the given size and appends it to the list of draw units
- Parameters:
size – the size to allocate. E.g.
, where the first element ofmy_draw_unit_t
lv_draw_task_t *lv_draw_add_task(lv_layer_t *layer, const lv_area_t *coords)
Add an empty draw task to the draw task list of a layer.
- Parameters:
layer – pointer to a layer
coords – the coordinates of the draw task
- Returns:
the created draw task which needs to be further configured e.g. by added a draw descriptor
void lv_draw_finalize_task_creation(lv_layer_t *layer, lv_draw_task_t *t)
Needs to be called when a draw task is created and configured. It will send an event about the new draw task to the widget and assign it to a draw unit.
- Parameters:
layer – pointer to a layer
t – pointer to a draw task
void lv_draw_dispatch(void)
Try dispatching draw tasks to draw units
bool lv_draw_dispatch_layer(lv_display_t *disp, lv_layer_t *layer)
Used internally to try dispatching draw tasks of a specific layer
- Parameters:
disp – pointer to a display on which the dispatching was requested
layer – pointer to a layer
- Returns:
at least one draw task is being rendered (maybe it was taken earlier)
void lv_draw_dispatch_wait_for_request(void)
Wait for a new dispatch request. It's blocking if
LV_USE_OS == 0
else it yields
void lv_draw_wait_for_finish(void)
Wait for draw finish in case of asynchronous task execution. If
LV_USE_OS == 0
it just return.
void lv_draw_dispatch_request(void)
When a draw unit finished a draw task it needs to request dispatching to let LVGL assign a new draw task to it
uint32_t lv_draw_get_unit_count(void)
Get the total number of draw units.
lv_draw_task_t *lv_draw_get_available_task(lv_layer_t *layer, lv_draw_task_t *t_prev, uint8_t draw_unit_id)
If there is only one draw unit check the first draw task if it's available. If there are multiple draw units call
to find a task.- Parameters:
layer – the draw layer to search in
t_prev – continue searching from this task
draw_unit_id – check the task where
equals this value orLV_DRAW_UNIT_NONE
- Returns:
an available draw task or NULL if there is not any
lv_draw_task_t *lv_draw_get_next_available_task(lv_layer_t *layer, lv_draw_task_t *t_prev, uint8_t draw_unit_id)
Find and available draw task
- Parameters:
layer – the draw layer to search in
t_prev – continue searching from this task
draw_unit_id – check the task where
equals this value orLV_DRAW_UNIT_NONE
- Returns:
an available draw task or NULL if there is not any
uint32_t lv_draw_get_dependent_count(lv_draw_task_t *t_check)
Tell how many draw task are waiting to be drawn on the area of
. It can be used to determine if a GPU shall combine many draw tasks into one or not. If a lot of tasks are waiting for the current ones it makes sense to draw them one-by-one to not block the dependent tasks' rendering- Parameters:
t_check – the task whose dependent tasks shall be counted
- Returns:
number of tasks depending on
void lv_layer_init(lv_layer_t *layer)
Initialize a layer
- Parameters:
layer – pointer to a layer to initialize
void lv_layer_reset(lv_layer_t *layer)
Reset the layer to a drawable state
- Parameters:
layer – pointer to a layer to reset
lv_layer_t *lv_draw_layer_create(lv_layer_t *parent_layer, lv_color_format_t color_format, const lv_area_t *area)
Create (allocate) a new layer on a parent layer
- Parameters:
parent_layer – the parent layer to which the layer will be merged when it's rendered
color_format – the color format of the layer
area – the areas of the layer (absolute coordinates)
- Returns:
the new target_layer or NULL on error
void lv_draw_layer_init(lv_layer_t *layer, lv_layer_t *parent_layer, lv_color_format_t color_format, const lv_area_t *area)
Initialize a layer which is allocated by the user
- Parameters:
layer – pointer the layer to initialize (its lifetime needs to be managed by the user)
parent_layer – the parent layer to which the layer will be merged when it's rendered
color_format – the color format of the layer
area – the areas of the layer (absolute coordinates)
- Returns:
the new target_layer or NULL on error
void *lv_draw_layer_alloc_buf(lv_layer_t *layer)
Try to allocate a buffer for the layer.
- Parameters:
layer – pointer to a layer
- Returns:
pointer to the allocated aligned buffer or NULL on failure
void *lv_draw_layer_go_to_xy(lv_layer_t *layer, int32_t x, int32_t y)
Got to a pixel at X and Y coordinate on a layer
- Parameters:
layer – pointer to a layer
x – the target X coordinate
y – the target X coordinate
- Returns:
offset to point to the given X and Y coordinate
lv_draw_task_type_t lv_draw_task_get_type(const lv_draw_task_t *t)
Get the type of a draw task
- Parameters:
t – the draw task to get the type of
- Returns:
the draw task type
void *lv_draw_task_get_draw_dsc(const lv_draw_task_t *t)
Get the draw descriptor of a draw task
- Parameters:
t – the draw task to get the draw descriptor of
- Returns:
a void pointer to the draw descriptor
struct _lv_layer_t
Public Members
lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf
Target draw buffer of the layer
lv_color_format_t color_format
The color format of the layer. LV_COLOR_FORMAT_...
lv_area_t _clip_area
NEVER USE IT DRAW UNITS. USED INTERNALLY DURING DRAW TASK CREATION. The current clip area with absolute coordinates, always the same or smaller than
Can be set before new draw tasks are added to indicate the clip area of the draw tasks. Thereforelv_draw_add_task()
always saves it in the new draw task to know the clip area when the draw task was added. During drawing the draw units also sees the saved clip_area and should use it during drawing. During drawing the layer's clip area shouldn't be used as it might be already changed for other draw tasks.
lv_opa_t opa
Opacity of the layer
lv_color32_t recolor
int32_t partial_y_offset
Partial y offset
lv_draw_task_t *draw_task_head
Linked list of draw tasks
lv_layer_t *parent
lv_layer_t *next
bool all_tasks_added
void *user_data
lv_draw_buf_t *draw_buf
struct lv_draw_dsc_base_t
Public Members
lv_obj_t *obj
The widget for which draw descriptor was created
lv_part_t part
The widget part for which draw descriptor was created
uint32_t id1
A widget type specific ID (e.g. table row index). See the docs of the given widget.
uint32_t id2
A widget type specific ID (e.g. table column index). See the docs of the given widget.
lv_layer_t *layer
The target layer
size_t dsc_size
Size of the specific draw descriptor into which this base descriptor is embedded
void *user_data
Any custom user data
lv_obj_t *obj