typedef lv_draw_sw_mask_radius_circle_dsc_t lv_draw_sw_mask_radius_circle_dsc_arr_t[4]
void lv_draw_sw_mask_cleanup(void)
Called by LVGL the rendering of a screen is ready to clean up the temporal (cache) data of the masks
struct lv_draw_sw_mask_radius_circle_dsc_t
Public Members
uint8_t *buf
lv_opa_t *cir_opa
Opacity of values on the circumference of an 1/4 circle
uint16_t *x_start_on_y
The x coordinate of the circle for each y value
uint16_t *opa_start_on_y
The index of
for each y value
int32_t life
How many times the entry way used
uint32_t used_cnt
Like a semaphore to count the referencing masks
int32_t radius
The radius of the entry
uint8_t *buf
struct _lv_draw_sw_mask_common_dsc_t
struct _lv_draw_sw_mask_line_param_t
Public Members
lv_draw_sw_mask_common_dsc_t dsc
The first element must be the common descriptor
lv_point_t p1
lv_point_t p2
struct _lv_draw_sw_mask_line_param_t cfg
lv_point_t origo
A point of the line
int32_t xy_steep
X / (1024*Y) steepness (X is 0..1023 range). What is the change of X in 1024 Y?
int32_t yx_steep
Y / (1024*X) steepness (Y is 0..1023 range). What is the change of Y in 1024 X?
int32_t steep
Helper which stores yx_steep for flat lines and xy_steep for steep (non flat) lines
int32_t spx
Steepness in 1 px in 0..255 range. Used only by flat lines.
uint8_t flat
1: It's a flat line? (Near to horizontal)
uint8_t inv
Invert the mask. The default is: Keep the left part. It is used to select left/right/top/bottom
lv_draw_sw_mask_common_dsc_t dsc
struct _lv_draw_sw_mask_angle_param_t
Public Members
lv_draw_sw_mask_common_dsc_t dsc
The first element must be the common descriptor
lv_point_t vertex_p
int32_t start_angle
int32_t end_angle
struct _lv_draw_sw_mask_angle_param_t cfg
lv_draw_sw_mask_line_param_t start_line
lv_draw_sw_mask_line_param_t end_line
uint16_t delta_deg
lv_draw_sw_mask_common_dsc_t dsc
struct _lv_draw_sw_mask_radius_param_t
Public Members
lv_draw_sw_mask_common_dsc_t dsc
The first element must be the common descriptor
int32_t radius
uint8_t outer
Invert the mask. 0: Keep the pixels inside.
struct _lv_draw_sw_mask_radius_param_t cfg
lv_draw_sw_mask_common_dsc_t dsc
struct _lv_draw_sw_mask_fade_param_t
struct _lv_draw_sw_mask_map_param_t