Quick Setup
A Git repository is available that includes everything needed to test the Buildroot setup without following the guide. It is intended for testing purposes and can be used if you are already familiar with Buildroot concepts and architecture.
Get the repository
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/lvgl/lv_buildroot.git
Build the image
At this point, you have an image that can be flashed on an SD and used.
Now build the SDK and install it
cd output
make sdk
mkdir -p ~/sdk
tar -xzf images/aarch64-buildroot-linux-gnu_sdk-buildroot.tar.gz -C ~/sdk
The SDK is installed. Compile the application.
cd ../application/lv_benchmark
source ../setup-build-env.sh
cmake -B build -S .
make -j $(nproc) -C build
cd ../..
Install the binary in the rootfs_overlay
cp application/lv_benchmark/bin/lvgl-app resources/board/rootfs_overlay/usr/bin/
Regenerate the image with the rootfs overlay updated.
cd output
Go to Flash the image to test the system.