lv_obj_t *lv_spinbox_create(lv_obj_t *parent)
Create a spinbox object
- Parameters:
parent -- pointer to an object, it will be the parent of the new spinbox
- Returns:
pointer to the created spinbox
void lv_spinbox_set_value(lv_obj_t *obj, int32_t v)
Set spinbox value
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
v -- value to be set
void lv_spinbox_set_rollover(lv_obj_t *obj, bool rollover)
Set spinbox rollover function
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
rollover -- true or false to enable or disable (default)
void lv_spinbox_set_digit_format(lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t digit_count, uint32_t sep_pos)
Set spinbox digit format (digit count and decimal format)
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
digit_count -- number of digit excluding the decimal separator and the sign
sep_pos -- number of digit before the decimal point. If 0, decimal point is not shown
void lv_spinbox_set_step(lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t step)
Set spinbox step
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
step -- steps on increment/decrement. Can be 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc the digit that will change.
void lv_spinbox_set_range(lv_obj_t *obj, int32_t range_min, int32_t range_max)
Set spinbox value range
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
range_min -- maximum value, inclusive
range_max -- minimum value, inclusive
void lv_spinbox_set_cursor_pos(lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t pos)
Set cursor position to a specific digit for edition
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
pos -- selected position in spinbox
void lv_spinbox_set_digit_step_direction(lv_obj_t *obj, lv_dir_t direction)
Set direction of digit step when clicking an encoder button while in editing mode
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
direction -- the direction (LV_DIR_RIGHT or LV_DIR_LEFT)
bool lv_spinbox_get_rollover(lv_obj_t *obj)
Get spinbox rollover function status
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
int32_t lv_spinbox_get_value(lv_obj_t *obj)
Get the spinbox numeral value (user has to convert to float according to its digit format)
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
- Returns:
value integer value of the spinbox
int32_t lv_spinbox_get_step(lv_obj_t *obj)
Get the spinbox step value (user has to convert to float according to its digit format)
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
- Returns:
value integer step value of the spinbox
void lv_spinbox_step_next(lv_obj_t *obj)
Select next lower digit for edition by dividing the step by 10
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
void lv_spinbox_step_prev(lv_obj_t *obj)
Select next higher digit for edition by multiplying the step by 10
- Parameters:
obj -- pointer to spinbox
const lv_obj_class_t lv_spinbox_class