Ways to Contribute
Spread the Word: Share your LVGL experience with friends or on social media to boost its visibility.
Star LVGL Give us a star on GitHub! It helps a lot to make LVGL more appealing for newcomers.
Report a Bug: Open a GitHub Issue if something is not working.
Join Our Forum : Meet fellow developers and discuss questions.
Tell Us Your Ideas: If you feel something is missing from LVGL, we would love to hear about it in a GitHub Issue
Develop Features: Help to design or develop a feature. See below.
Mid- and large-scale issues are discussed in Feature Planning issues.
An issue can be developed when all the questions in the issue template are answered and there are no objection from any core member.
We are using GitHub labels to show the state and attributes of the issues and Pull requests. If you are looking for contribution opportunities you can Filter for these labels :
: Good choice to get started with an LVGL contributionPR needed
: We investigated the issue but it still needs to be implementedReview needed
: A Pull request is opened and it needs review/testing