struct _lv_obj_spec_attr_t
- #include <lv_obj_private.h>
Special, rarely used attributes. They are allocated automatically if any elements is set.
Public Members
lv_obj_t **children
Store the pointer of the children in an array.
lv_group_t *group_p
lv_event_list_t event_list
const char *name
Pointer to the name
lv_point_t scroll
The current X/Y scroll offset
int32_t ext_click_pad
Extra click padding in all direction
int32_t ext_draw_size
EXTend the size in every direction for drawing.
uint16_t child_cnt
Number of children
uint16_t scrollbar_mode
How to display scrollbars, see
uint16_t scroll_snap_x
Where to align the snappable children horizontally, see
uint16_t scroll_snap_y
Where to align the snappable children vertically
uint16_t scroll_dir
The allowed scroll direction(s), see
uint16_t layer_type
Cache the layer type here. Element of lv_intermediate_layer_type_t
uint16_t name_static
was not dynamically allocated
lv_obj_t **children
struct _lv_obj_t
Public Members
const lv_obj_class_t *class_p
lv_obj_t *parent
lv_obj_spec_attr_t *spec_attr
lv_obj_style_t *styles
void *user_data
void *id
lv_obj_flag_t flags
lv_state_t state
uint16_t layout_inv
uint16_t readjust_scroll_after_layout
uint16_t scr_layout_inv
uint16_t skip_trans
uint16_t style_cnt
uint16_t h_layout
uint16_t w_layout
uint16_t is_deleting
const lv_obj_class_t *class_p