typedef lv_obj_tree_walk_res_t (*lv_obj_tree_walk_cb_t)(lv_obj_t*, void*)
void lv_obj_delete(lv_obj_t *obj)
Delete an object and all of its children. Also remove the objects from their group and remove all animations (if any). Send
to deleted objects.- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
void lv_obj_clean(lv_obj_t *obj)
Delete all children of an object. Also remove the objects from their group and remove all animations (if any). Send
to deleted objects.- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
void lv_obj_delete_delayed(lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t delay_ms)
Delete an object after some delay
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
delay_ms – time to wait before delete in milliseconds
void lv_obj_delete_anim_completed_cb(lv_anim_t *a)
A function to be easily used in animation ready callback to delete an object when the animation is ready
- Parameters:
a – pointer to the animation
void lv_obj_delete_async(lv_obj_t *obj)
Helper function for asynchronously deleting objects. Useful for cases where you can't delete an object directly in an
handler (i.e. parent).See also
- Parameters:
obj – object to delete
void lv_obj_set_parent(lv_obj_t *obj, lv_obj_t *parent)
Move the parent of an object. The relative coordinates will be kept.
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object whose parent needs to be changed
parent – pointer to the new parent
void lv_obj_swap(lv_obj_t *obj1, lv_obj_t *obj2)
Swap the positions of two objects. When used in listboxes, it can be used to sort the listbox items.
- Parameters:
obj1 – pointer to the first object
obj2 – pointer to the second object
void lv_obj_move_to_index(lv_obj_t *obj, int32_t index)
moves the object to the given index in its parent. When used in listboxes, it can be used to sort the listbox items.
to move to the background: lv_obj_move_to_index(obj, 0)
to move forward (up): lv_obj_move_to_index(obj, lv_obj_get_index(obj) - 1)
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to the object to be moved.
index – new index in parent. -1 to count from the back
lv_obj_t *lv_obj_get_screen(const lv_obj_t *obj)
Get the screen of an object
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
- Returns:
pointer to the object's screen
lv_display_t *lv_obj_get_display(const lv_obj_t *obj)
Get the display of the object
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
- Returns:
pointer to the object's display
lv_obj_t *lv_obj_get_parent(const lv_obj_t *obj)
Get the parent of an object
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
- Returns:
the parent of the object. (NULL if
was a screen)
lv_obj_t *lv_obj_get_child(const lv_obj_t *obj, int32_t idx)
Get the child of an object by the child's index.
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object whose child should be get
idx – the index of the child. 0: the oldest (firstly created) child 1: the second oldest child count-1: the youngest -1: the youngest -2: the second youngest
- Returns:
pointer to the child or NULL if the index was invalid
lv_obj_t *lv_obj_get_child_by_type(const lv_obj_t *obj, int32_t idx, const lv_obj_class_t *class_p)
Get the child of an object by the child's index. Consider the children only with a given type.
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object whose child should be get
idx – the index of the child. 0: the oldest (firstly created) child 1: the second oldest child count-1: the youngest -1: the youngest -2: the second youngest
class_p – the type of the children to check
- Returns:
pointer to the child or NULL if the index was invalid
lv_obj_t *lv_obj_get_sibling(const lv_obj_t *obj, int32_t idx)
Return a sibling of an object
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object whose sibling should be get
idx – 0:
itself -1: the first older sibling -2: the next older sibling 1: the first younger sibling 2: the next younger sibling etc
- Returns:
pointer to the requested sibling or NULL if there is no such sibling
lv_obj_t *lv_obj_get_sibling_by_type(const lv_obj_t *obj, int32_t idx, const lv_obj_class_t *class_p)
Return a sibling of an object. Consider the siblings only with a given type.
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object whose sibling should be get
idx – 0:
itself -1: the first older sibling -2: the next older sibling 1: the first younger sibling 2: the next younger sibling etcclass_p – the type of the children to check
- Returns:
pointer to the requested sibling or NULL if there is no such sibling
uint32_t lv_obj_get_child_count(const lv_obj_t *obj)
Get the number of children
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
- Returns:
the number of children
uint32_t lv_obj_get_child_count_by_type(const lv_obj_t *obj, const lv_obj_class_t *class_p)
Get the number of children having a given type.
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
class_p – the type of the children to check
- Returns:
the number of children
void lv_obj_set_name(lv_obj_t *obj, const char *name)
Set a name for a widget. The name will be allocated.
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
name – the name to set
void lv_obj_set_name_static(lv_obj_t *obj, const char *name)
Set a name for a widget. Only a pointer will be saved.
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
name – the name to set
const char *lv_obj_get_name(const lv_obj_t *obj)
Get the set name as it was set
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
- Returns:
get the set name or NULL if it wasn't set yet
void lv_obj_get_name_resolved(const lv_obj_t *obj, char buf[], size_t buf_size)
Get the set name or craft a name automatically if there is no set name. The crafted names are built like <widget type> + "_" + <index of the given type> For example if a parent has two button and two label children the names will be "lv_button_0", "lv_button1", "lv_label_0", "lv_label_1" The <widget name> comes from the
field. The index is 0 based.- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
buf – buffer to store the name
buf_size – the size of the buffer in bytes
lv_obj_t *lv_obj_find_by_name(const lv_obj_t *parent, const char *name)
Find a child with a given name on a parent. This child doesn't have to be the direct child of the parent. First direct children of the parent will be checked, and the direct children of the first child, etc. (Breadth-first search).
If the name of a widget was not set a name like "lv_button_1" will be created for it using
.- Parameters:
parent – the widget where the search should start
- Returns:
the found widget or NULL if not found.
lv_obj_t *lv_obj_get_child_by_name(const lv_obj_t *parent, const char *name_path)
Get an object by name. The name can be a path too, for example "main_container/lv_button_1/label". In this case the first part of the name-path should be the direct child of the parent, the second part, should the direct child of first one, etc.
If the name of a widget was not set a name like "lv_button_1" will be created for it using
.- Parameters:
parent – the widget where the search should start
- Returns:
the found widget or NULL if not found.
int32_t lv_obj_get_index(const lv_obj_t *obj)
Get the index of a child.
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
- Returns:
the child index of the object. E.g. 0: the oldest (firstly created child). (-1 if child could not be found or no parent exists)
int32_t lv_obj_get_index_by_type(const lv_obj_t *obj, const lv_obj_class_t *class_p)
Get the index of a child. Consider the children only with a given type.
- Parameters:
obj – pointer to an object
class_p – the type of the children to check
- Returns:
the child index of the object. E.g. 0: the oldest (firstly created child with the given class). (-1 if child could not be found or no parent exists)
void lv_obj_tree_walk(lv_obj_t *start_obj, lv_obj_tree_walk_cb_t cb, void *user_data)
Iterate through all children of any object.
- Parameters:
start_obj – start integrating from this object
cb – call this callback on the objects
user_data – pointer to any user related data (will be passed to
void lv_obj_dump_tree(lv_obj_t *start_obj)
Iterate through all children of any object and print their ID.
- Parameters:
start_obj – start integrating from this object