Alif Semiconductor is a next-generation chip vendor making chips that come in a variety of configurations. Their chips are designed to excel at multiple aspects at once. They offer combinations of performance, low power consumption, security, and special functionality like AI. Many of their chips have two asymmetrical cores. One core is typically high performance while the other is high efficiency. Alif offers both microcontrollers and microprocessors.
LVGL on Alif Boards
This is a guide for getting started with LVGL on an Alif board. It specifically details the all the steps needed to get the LVGL example project alif_m55-lvgl running on the Alif E7 Devkit Gen2; however, any project based on the Alif VS Code Template has a nearly identical setup process so this can be used as a general guide for those. There are other ways to compile for Alif boards such as with Zephyr RTOS. See Alif's GitHub repos.
This guide is for Linux and Windows.
This project uses D/AVE 2D rendering acceleration with LVGL's D/AVE 2D draw unit.
Step-by-Step Guide
Install Visual Studio Code
Install Visual Studio code. There are different ways of installing it depending on your platform. See here.
The remaining steps can optionally be done inside a Docker container. You can connect to the Docker container as a VS Code remote dev container.
There should be two serial ports created upon connecting your Alif board. On Linux, they will be something
like /dev/ttyACM0
and /dev/ttyACM1
. In the docker run
command you use to create the dev
container, include --device /dev/ttyACM0 --device /dev/ttyACM1
to give the container access to those
ports so you can flash from it.
Install the "Dev Containers" VS Code extension. Select your container from the "Remote Explorer" on the left side panel.
Install Prerequisite tools
Make sure these are installed in your environment. The VS Code extensions rely on these being present.
Install the Alif SE Tools
Create an Alif account and download the tools from here under "Alif Security Toolkit". Extract it. The path where it was extracted will be needed later.
On Linux, extracting can be done by running the following
tar -xf Downloads/APFW0002-app-release-exec-linux-SE_FW_1.101.00_DEV.tar
Among the results of ls
you should see app-release-exec-linux
. That, combined
with the output of pwd
, is the path you need to use later. I.e.,
Install J-Link Software (optional)
Download the latest stable version of the J-Link Software. Its installation path will be needed later.
Clone the alif_m55-lvgl
git clone --recursive
Open alif_m55-lvgl
in VS Code
Open the cloned repo in VS Code. For the VS Code extensions to work properly, it's recommended to open the folder in VS Code instead of opening a containing parent directory.
code alif_m55-lvgl
or navigate to File > Open Folder in VS Code and open alif_m55-lvgl
If you are prompted to automatically install recommended extensions, click "install" so you can skip the next step.
Install Required VS Code Extensions
Install the following VS Code extensions from the "Extensions" side panel
Arm Tools Environment Manager
Arm CMSIS Solution
C/C++ Extension Pack
Cortex-Debug (optional. needed for debugging)
Activate Environment
If it hasn't happened automatically, Click "Arm Tools" on the bottom bar and then click "Activate Environment" in the list that appears. It will install CMake, ninja-build, a GCC ARM compiler, and cmsis-toolbox.
If you only see "Reactivate Environment" then it is likely already active.
Set the Paths of Installed Tools
Press ctrl + shift + p. Type "preferences" and select the option
"Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)" from the choices.
A settings.json
will open. Note: if using a Docker container,
it's better to edit the JSON file in the project directory at
You need to add some entries (at least "alif.setools.root"
to the JSON you see.
If your settings.json
looks like this initially...
"workbench.colorTheme": "Default Dark+",
"editor.renderWhitespace": "all",
... then it should look like this afterwards:
"workbench.colorTheme": "Default Dark+",
"editor.renderWhitespace": "all",
"alif.setools.root" : "C:/alif-se-tools/app-release-exec",
"cortex-debug.JLinkGDBServerPath": "C:/Program Files/SEGGER/JLink/JLinkGDBServerCL.exe"
The above uses Windows paths as an example. A Linux path to the Alif SE Tools may look
something like "/home/you/app-release-exec-linux"
Configure the Board Variant
Open the board.h file.
Identify your board variant in the list and set BOARD_ALIF_DEVKIT_VARIANT
to the correct value.
You may also need to set BOARD_ILI9806E_PANEL_VARIANT
if the default does not match yours.
Set Up the Build Context, Compile, and Flash
Get to the "Manage Solution" view from the CMSIS Solution extension. You can reach it by either clicking the gear icon on the bottom bar or by navigating to the CMSIS panel on the left and clicking the gear at the top of that view. When it's open, it's a graphical editor tab called "Manage Solution" with a gear icon.
Under "Run and Debug" > "Run Configuration" (column) > "alif" (row), click the dropdown and select "First time pack installation". Click the play icon at the top of the CMSIS left side panel. In your terminal you should see CMSIS packs being installed. Wait for it to complete.
Now you can click the hammer icon next to the play icon to compile the project. A few hundred files will be compiled. Wait for it to complete.
Open the dropdown from before and choose "Prepare program with Security Toolkit". Click the play icon. It prepares some files as a prior step to flashing.
Open the dropdown again and choose "Program with Security Toolkit". Click the play icon.
If this is the first time, you will be prompted to choose which serial port to use to flash
the board. You can try /dev/ttyACM0
. If it was the wrong one, it will fail and you will
need to open the dropdown and choose "Program with Security Toolkit (select COM port)"
to override the previous one which was saved as default.
The LVGL benchmark should run on your Alif board after flashing completes.
More Info
If there were any difficulties faced while following this guide, refer to these Alif sources for more detailed steps.
You can download the "Alif Security Toolkit Quick Start Guide" from , assuming you have created an account, to learn how to use the Alif SE Tools to perform low-level manipulations on your board.
HP and HE Cores and Optimized Build
In the "Manage Solution" view explained in the guide, there is an option to select either an HP target or an HE target. What these are referring to are the two distinct cores present in the Alif E7. "HE" stands for "High Efficiency" while "HP" stands for "High Performance". To get the best performance out of an LVGL application, select HP. Consider HE when power usage is a concern. The merit of having asymmetrical cores is that your application can run theoretically run low-priority workloads efficiently on the HE core and delegate time critical, processing intensive workloads to the HP core.
There is also an option to choose a "Build Type". For best performance, choose "release". If debugging you will want "debug".
To maximize the score on the LVGL benchmark and maximize the performance of an LVGL application in general, ensure the HP core is selected and the build type is release.