Drawing Pipeline


Drawing is writing pixel colors into a buffer where they will be delivered to a display panel as pixels. Sometimes it involves computing those colors before they are written (e.g. combining them with other colors when an object has partial opacity).

On modern computing hardware meant to be used with larger display panels, there are sometimes options for different ways drawing can be accomplished. For example, some MCUs come with hardware that is very good (and fast) at certain types of drawing tasks. Alternatively, you might have access to a drawing library that performs certain types of drawing tasks with great efficiency. To make it possible to utilize such facilities in the most efficient fashion, LVGL v9 and onwards implements a "Drawing Pipeline", like an assembly line, where decisions are made as to which drawing tasks (Draw Tasks) are given to which "logic entities" (Draw Units) in order to be carried out.

This Pipeline is designed so that it is both flexible and extendable. As a programmer, you can hook into it in order to provide LVGL with guidance as to what Draw Units should receive what types of Draw Tasks, or replace LVGL's built-in software rendering logic to any degree you choose.

Draw Tasks

A "Draw Task" (lv_draw_task_t) is a package of information that is created at the beginning of the Drawing Pipeline when a request to draw is made. Functions such as lv_draw_rect() and lv_draw_label() create one or more Draw Tasks and pass them down the Drawing Pipeline. Each Draw Task carries all the information required to:

  • compute which Draw Unit should receive this task, and

  • give the Draw Unit all the details required to accomplish the drawing task.

A Draw Task carries the following information:


defines the drawing algorithm involved (e.g. line, fill, border, image, label, arc, triangle, etc.)


defines the rectangle involved where drawing will occur

transformation matrix:

if LV_DRAW_TRANSFORM_USE_MATRIX is configured to '1'


waiting, queued, in progress, completed

drawing descriptor:

carries details of the drawing to be performed

preferred Draw Unit ID:

the ID of the Draw Unit that should take this task

preference score:

value describing the speed of the specified Draw Unit relative to software rendering (more on this below)


a link to the next drawing task in the list.

Draw Tasks are collected in a list and periodically dispatched to Draw Units.

Draw Units

A "Draw Unit" (based on lv_draw_unit_t) is any "logic entity" that can generate the output required by a Draw Task. This can be a CPU core, a GPU, a new rendering library for certain (or all) Draw Tasks, or anything that can accomplish drawing.

During LVGL's initialization (lv_init()), a list of Draw Units is created. If LV_USE_DRAW_SW is set to 1 in lv_conf.h (it is by default), the Software Drawing Unit enters itself at the head of that list. If your platform has other drawing units available, if they are configured to be used in lv_conf.h, they are added to this list during LVGL's initialization. If you are adding your own Draw Unit(s), you add each available drawing unit to that list by calling lv_draw_create_unit(sizeof(your_draw_unit_t)). With each call to that function, the newly-created draw unit is added to the head of that list, pushing already-existing draw units further back in the list, making the earliest Draw Unit created last in the list. The order of this list (and thus the order in which Draw Task Evaluation is performed) is governed by the order in which each Draw Unit is created.

Building this list (and initializing the Draw Units) is normally handled automatically by configuring the available Draw Units in lv_conf.h, such as setting LV_USE_DRAW_OPENGLES or LV_USE_PXP or LV_USE_DRAW_SDL or LV_USE_DRAW_VG_LITE to 1. However, if you are introducing your own Draw Unit(s), you will need to create and initialize it (after lv_init()) as above. This will include several things, but setting its evaluate_cb and dispatch_cb callbacks (mentioned later) are two of them.

For an example of how draw-unit cration and initialization is done, see lv_draw_sw_init() in lv_draw_sw.c or the other draw units whose init functions are optionally called in lv_init().

Draw Task Evaluation

When each Draw Task is created, each existing Draw Unit is "consulted" as to its "appropriateness" for the task. It does this through an "evaluation callback" function pointer (a.k.a. evaluate_cb), which each Draw Unit sets (for itself) during its initialization. Normally, that evaluation optionally examines the existing "preference score" for the task mentioned above, and if it can accomplish that type of task (e.g. line drawing) faster than other Draw Units that have already reported, it writes its own "preference score" and "preferred Draw Unit ID" to the respective fields in the task. In this way, by the time the evaluation sequence is complete, the task will contain the score and the ID of the Drawing Unit that will be used to perform that task when it is dispatched.

As a side effect, this also ensures that the same Draw Unit will be selected consistently, depending on the type (and nature) of the drawing task, avoiding any possible screen jitter in case more than one Draw Unit is capable of performing a given task type.

The sequence of the Draw Unit list (with the Software Draw Unit at the end) also ensures that the Software Draw Unit is the "buck-stops-here" Draw Unit: if no other Draw Unit reported it was better at a given drawing task, then the Software Draw Unit will handle it.


While collecting Draw Tasks LVGL frequently dispatches the collected Draw Tasks to their assigned Draw Units. This is handled via the dispatch_cb of the Draw Units.

If a Draw Unit is busy with another Draw Task, it just returns. However, if it is available it can take a Draw Task.

lv_draw_get_next_available_task(layer, previous_task, draw_unit_id) is a useful helper function which is used by the dispatch_cb to get the next Draw Task it should act on. If it handled the task, it sets the Draw Task's state field to LV_DRAW_TASK_STATE_READY (meaning "completed"). "Available" in this context means that has been queued and assigned to a given Draw Unit and is ready to be carried out. The ramifications of having multiple drawing threads are taken into account for this.


A layer is a buffer with a given area on which the pixel rendering occurrs. Each display has a "main" layer, but during rendering additional layers might be created internally to handle for example arbitrary Widget transformations.

Object Hierarchy

All of the above have this relationship at run time:

  • LVGL

    • list of Draw Units

    • list of Display(s)

      • Layer(s): Each Display has its own list of Layers

        • Draw Tasks: Each Layer has its own list of Draw Tasks


Further Reading

Learn more about Base-Widget Events emitted by all Widgets.

Learn more about Events.





































