Constraints on Redrawn Area

Some display controllers have specific requirements for the window area where the rendered image can be sent (e.g., x1 must be even, and x2 must be odd).

In the case of monochrome displays, x1 must be Nx8, and x2 must be Nx8 - 1. (If the display uses LV_COLOR_FORMAT_I1, LVGL automatically applies this rounding. See Monochrome Displays.)

The size of the invalidated (redrawn) area can be controlled as follows:

void rounder_event_cb(lv_event_t * e)
    lv_area_t * a = lv_event_get_invalidated_area(e);

    a->x1 = a->x1 & (~0x1); /* Ensure x1 is even */
    a->x2 = a->x2 | 0x1;    /* Ensure x2 is odd */


lv_display_add_event_cb(disp, rounder_event_cb, LV_EVENT_INVALIDATE_AREA, NULL);