

A <fonts> section can be added in globals.xml files. Later, it might be supported in components and widgets to define local fonts and keep the global space cleaner.


The following section creates a mapping between font names and their paths with various attributes:

        <bin as_file="false" name="medium" src="path/to/file.ttf" range="0x20-0x7f" symbols="°" size="24"/>
        <tiny_ttf as_file="true" name="big" src_path="path/to/file.ttf" range="0x20-0x7f" symbols="auto" size="48"/>
        <freetype name="chinese" src_path="file.ttf" size="48" custom_freetype_attribute="abc"/>

In <styles> and <view>, fonts can be referenced by their name, e.g.,

<style name="style1" text_font="medium"/>

The tag name determines how the font is loaded. Currently, only tinyttf as_file="true" is supported.

  • bin:

    • If as_file="true": Converts the font file to bin (see lv_font_conv) which will be loaded by lv_binfont_create().

    • If as_file="false" (default): On export, the font file will be converted to a C array LVGL font that can be used directly by LVGL.

  • tinyttf:

    • If as_file="true": Can be loaded directly by lv_tiny_ttf_create_file().

    • If as_file="false" (default): The font file will be converted to a raw C array on export that will be loaded by lv_tiny_ttf_create_data().

  • freetype: The file can be loaded directly by lv_freetype_font_create().

For simplicity, if as_file="false", fonts will be loaded as files in the preview. Setting as_file="false" affects only the C export.

If the UI is created from XML at runtime and a globals.xml is parsed, the as_file="false" tags are skipped because it is assumed that the user manually creates the mapping. This is because the XML parser cannot automatically map an LVGL font definition like:

lv_font_t my_font_24;


<bin name="my_font_24"/>

Exported Code

When C code is exported, global const lv_font_t * <font_name> variables are created, and in the initialization function of the component library (e.g., my_lib_init_gen()), the actual font is assigned.

In lv_style_set_text_font(&style1, <font_name>), the created font is referenced.


Constants can also be used with fonts.

        <int name="font_size" value="32">
                <variant name="size" case="small" value="24"/>

        <bin name="medium" src_path="file.ttf" range="0x20-0x7f" symbols="°" size="#font_size"/>

Default Font

"lv_font_default" can be used to access LV_FONT_DEFAULT. Other built-in fonts are not exposed by default.